Let’s hear it
for the girls!
Every year we partner with a diverse female artist to create a new #GoghGirl bottle. All of the artists are unique, but united in their creativity, passion and desire to uplift other women. Their designs come from the heart and celebrate something we’re very passionate about: female empowerment.
Partial proceeds from each #GoghGirl bottle sold are donated to a charity close to the artist’s heart.
2022 —
Maggie Chiang
Maggie drew on her passion for the environment and the strong women in her life to create her #GoghGirl bottle. The butterflies represent her roots in Taiwan, known as “The Butterfly Kingdom,” as it’s home to more than 400 species!
Maggie’s #GoghGirl bottle benefits Women Eco Artist Dialog, which supports female artists working toward ecological and social justice.
2021 — Ashley Price,
a.k.a Pinklomein
Ashley brought a bold, expressive style to her #GoghGirl bottle design, which highlighted femininity, and a feeling of movement to express the need to keep going and pressing forward. She also included the moon as an ode to Vincent Van Gogh.
Ashley’s #GoghGirl bottle supported The Loveland Foundation, which shows up for communities of color in unique and powerful ways, with a particular focus on Black women and girls.
2020 — Kate Worum
Our inaugural #GoghGirl kicked off our campaign with a design that paid homage to Vincent Van Gogh’s painting “Oleanders” and its life-affirming flowers. Kate aimed to bring joy to her design through color and beautiful art that makes people feel good.
Kate’s #GoghGirl bottle contributed to ArtTable, an organization dedicated to advancing the leadership of women in the visual arts.
#GoghCreate with us.
Your work of art is definitely gridworthy. Mix, sip and share! Show us how you #GoghCreate, and keep up with what we’re mixing up.